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Photo Information

  1. File Name gallery_5789_204_189547.jpg
  2. Unix Timestamp 1277215592
  3. Original File Size 264012
  4. File Type 2
  5. Mime Type image/jpeg
  6. Sections Found ANY_TAG, IFD0, THUMBNAIL, EXIF
  7. Camera Make Nokia
  8. Camera Model N86 8MP
  9. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  10. X-Resolution 300/1
  11. Y-Resolution 300/1
  12. Resolution Unit 2
  13. Software Adobe Photoshop 7.0
  14. Date Taken 2010:06:20 11:00:50
  15. YCbCr Positioning centered
  16. IFD0.CustomRendered 0
  17. IFD0.ExposureMode 0
  18. IFD0.WhiteBalance 0
  19. IFD0.DigitalZoomRatio 100/100
  20. IFD0.SceneCaptureType 0
  21. IFD0.GainControl 0
  22. Exposure Time 3200/1000000
  23. F Number 48/10
  24. ISO Speed Ratings 100
  25. Exif Version 0220
  26. Date Digitized 2010:06:20 11:00:50
  27. Shutter Speed 8287/1000
  28. Aperture Value 453/100
  29. Light Source Unknown
  30. Flash 24
  31. Focal Length 46/10
  32. Flash Pix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
  33. Color Space sRGB
  34. Image Width 1280
  35. Image Length 960
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